"Pupils know that staff are kind, supportive individuals."
Ofsted - 2022


St. Mary’s Catholic Primary School was founded by the Catholic Church to provide education for children of Catholic families.

The school is conducted by its Governing Body as part of the Catholic Church.

As a Catholic school, Catholic doctrine and practice permeates every aspect of the school’s activity. It is essential that the Catholic character of the school’s education is fully supported by all families in the school. All applicants are therefore expected to give their full support for the ethos of the school. This does not affect the right of parents who are not of the faith of the school to apply and be considered for a place.

The Governing Body has responsibility for admissions to the school. Whenever there are more applications than places available, priority will always be given in accordance with the over-subscription criteria. For the full details of the admissions criteria, see the admissions information below.


To apply for a place at this school parents must complete an application form, available from the local authority in which they live, and return it to that authority. Parents can, if they wish, apply on-line. The local authority will advise of the outcome of any application made.  Central Bedfordshire Council - Admissions

Children who have a statement of Special Educational Needs who name St. Mary’s will be admitted.

In-Year Applications

St. Mary’s now manage their own in-year school admissions. Parents will need to apply directly to the school for in-year admissions. Please contact the school office who will give you the relevant information and paperwork. The forms are also available for you to download here:

In-Year Application Form for St Mary's Catholic Primary School

We will process your application within 10 school days. You will be informed in writing whether or not you have been successful in being offered a place. If you are offered a place, you will be contacted to arrange a start date for your child. If you do not wish to accept this place, we ask that you confirm this in writing. 

If your application is unsuccessful, you can ask to be put onto our waiting list and then we will use our criteria to place you in order on that list. If a place becomes available, we will let you know. The criteria is stated in the STCAT Admissions Policy on the Trust website. 

Admission appeals are administered by your local authority. Please take a look at their website for more information:  Central Bedfordshire Council - Appeals

Our full admissions policy is available through our Trust Admissions Page : STCAT Admissions 

Nursery Admissions

Children are able to attend our nursery from the academic year following their third birthday.  For more information about our nursery sessions or to arrange a visit, please give the school office a call.  

Application forms are available from our office, or can be downloaded here: Nursery Application Form.

Please note that a place in our nursery does not guarantee a place in our Reception class.  These must be applied for via Central Bedfordshire Council, as detailed above.

We are happy to offer extended Wrap-Around care and can accept 30 Hours Funding. 

More information about funding can be found here.