"How staff engage with children helps develop children’s communication and understanding of their and others’ feelings."
Ofsted - 2022

Year 4

Miss Coker is our Teacher




There is a new Religious Education Directory (RED) which is being rolled out across the year groups. Currently, Reception, Year 1 and 6 are using the Arundel and Brighton Resources in line with the RED.

Year 2-5 are following the Come and See Curriculum, approved by the Diocese of Northampton.


We follow the White Rose Maths Scheme.



Phonics and Early Reading

Phonics is delivered daily in Reception and Year 1 following Essential Letters and Sounds. Children are given a reading book in line with their phonics phase.


Year 2 – 6 Accelerated Reading is used to ensure that children are reading for 20 minutes daily and at an appropriate range for the developmental stage. This is monitored by the adults in class.

SCIENCE – is delivered weekly using White Rose which ensure that the National Curriculum is taught.



We follow the Diocesan approved Ten:Ten Life to the full Scheme of Learning. You can find out more by visiting:


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